It's Top-Notch Tuesday!

Pursue Your Goals and Dreams With Childlike Faith!

Kim Martin daughter childlike faith (1)

Pursue Your Goals and Dreams With Childlike Faith!

Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” Luke 18:17  

What does that mean exactly? I believe the Lord is talking about trust. I think about my own children. Not once do they have to worry about what they will eat for dinner. They may ask what’s for dinner, but they expect to be fed. They never have to worry if they will have the proper clothes to wear. They may want a brand they don’t have, but they know and trust they will have what they need. Children trust they will get what they need.  In fact, it’s innate. Think about the baby crying when it’s hungry.  That helpless baby is calling out for help it expects to receive. Children trust.  Sure, there are exceptions to the rule, but a well-balanced child understands and trusts they will go to sleep, wake up, be loved, get fed, and clothed. Most children are cared for above and beyond their basic needs. As parents, we haul them around to 2-3 activities, take them out for dinner and ice-cream, and buy them extra nice things. We love them unconditionally even when they grumble, back talk, or fall short. Our children can trust us. In fact, it’s upsetting when they don’t.

If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Matthew 7:11 

If you have goals or dreams tucked away because you are fearful of the unknown or not having the resources you will need to be successful then I challenge you to take the first step in full faith knowing that you can trust your Father in Heaven will respond to your childlike faith. He is trustworthy.

Live Decided,

Kim Martin