Do You Have the Winning Qualities of a Person with Integrity?
Winners have integrity.
Integrity: Simply doing what you say you’re going to do; to others and yourself!
Do you have the winning qualities of a person with integrity?
You talk the talk but do you walk the walk? Look at how you’re doing compared to these 4 characteristics of people who have integrity.
#1 Truthful: Truthful and honest people stand up for beliefs no matter what. They are trustworthy and make decisions based off firmly held morals and not for popularity.
#2 Authentic: Authentic people are self-reflective and transparent. They behave consistently whether with others or alone.
#3 Loyal: Loyal people rarely break their commitments and are considerate of others. They are grateful and value their relationships.
#4 Kind: Kind people give compliments when deserved. They are good listeners and think before they speak. They practice good manners and are generous in their giving.
Ask yourself this question:
Do your actions match your talk?
Decide today to be a person who’s actions match their talk; a person of integrity! #LiveDecided
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