Be Thankful Thursday!

This may surprise you.

These 4 actions will give you a solid foundation to build your healthy life upon. Surprisingly, they have nothing to do with diet or exercise. A common mistake most of us make is assuming the key to success in living healthy is the perfect diet or just the right exercise program. If you want to withstand the daily temptations of skipping your exercise program or overcome cravings that can sabotage your diet, you must lay a foundation layered with mental toughness. It’s your mental strength that will ultimately keep you on a healthy diet and exercise program for a life time.

Master these 4 actions for a solid foundation layered with mental toughness to build your healthy life upon.

  • Go to bed and wake up around the same time every day – Creating a practice of a good sleep pattern is a necessary action for mental toughness. Practicing this kind of discipline will improve your mental strength.
  • Commit to a daily practice – It can be 15-20 minutes of praying, reading, meditation, or stretching first thing in the morning. A simple contemplated practice will ground you and improve your mental strength.
  • Stop procrastinating- This simple, but very difficult to do action, can change your life. One way to improve procrastinating is to make a daily to do list. Take the most difficult item on your list and do it first thing. By getting the hardest task off your list, it will reduce your odds of procrastinating.
  • Practice discipline – Discipline is your master mental muscle, and practice is the weight that strengthens it. Take every opportunity to work out your discipline muscle every chance you get. Simple ways to practice discipline could be deciding to have a morning and/or night time routine and following through with it, making your bed daily, commit to time away from social media and stick with it. These are small daily behaviors that can improve how disciplined you are. Discipline begets discipline.

Master these 4 actions for a solid foundation layered with mental toughness to build your healthy life upon.