Stick to it Saturday!

Joy to the World!

When I decided to pursue joy instead of happiness, my life changed! You may wonder, what’s the difference? Actually, there is a profound difference. Happiness is the emotion of things that happen by chance. It is the emotion that follows something perceived to be good. For example, I get a good report from the doctor, […]

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Be Holiday Strong!

Happy Thankful Month Everyone! I’ve Decided to be Holiday Strong…Who’s with me?! It is the beginning of the Holiday Season. It’s the time of year when it is so easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of traditions, shopping, food, and out of town guest. It is easy to start feeling out […]

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The Emotion follows the action

A quote I’ve heard many times came to mind this morning. You know the one, “if you wait until you feel like it, it will never get done”. Thinking of this quote reminded me of one of the visuals I use in the 6 steps to success. It’s an oversized alarm clock ringing, and this person rolling over and hitting the snooze. Sound familiar? I’m sure, like me, you can relate to that image.

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